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      當前位置:機電之家首頁 >> 電工園地>> 國標規程 >> 電工政策法規 >> 電網企業規章制度管理體系建設研究—以國網甘肅省電力公司為例
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      improving and perfection of the rules and regulations is the inherent requirement of the enterprise’s continuous and healthy development. the traditional construction of the rules and regulations dues to the existing of factors such as the obsolescence of the content, huge quantities, overlapping, confused conflict, violating the rules and regulations, to weaken the execution, leads to that the old rules and regulations system cannot keep up with the pace of the network rapid development, so the management mode of the existing power grid enterprise rules and regulations must be in innovation, in order to meet the growing energy enterprise internal and external development needs. in the first chapter of the papers, the author firstly introduces the background of the construction of the power grid enterprise’s rules and regulations system, and then describes the theory of enterprise rules and regulations management at home and abroad, explains the rebbbbbb purpose, clarify that the grid enterprises can use some management tools such as total quality management theory and constraint theory, case analysis, empirical approach to rebbbbbb the power grid enterprise rules and regulations. based on the above theory, the author analyzes the development of power grid enterprise rules and regulations’ status in china, and illustrates the problems of power grid enterprise rules and regulations system construction in our country, points out that the power grid enterprises to rebbbb the current rules and regulations system is the inevitable choice. secondly, the author states the basic ideas of the rules and regulations construction, illustrates the relationship between corporate strategy, system construction purpose, system construction principles, system organization guarantee and system construction of the key bbbbs, closed-loop work mechanism, to clarify regulations and other issues one by one . on the basis of the theory and case study as the main bbbbbb, the author briefly describes the situation of the gansu provincial electric power company’s rules and regulations management situation, in case to discuss and summary the ways of the practical of the construction of the rules and regulations system of the power grid enterprise, to seek the suitable mode of the rules and regulations of the development of power grid enterprises in our country, and to put forward to the corresponding and improving suggestions, it shows that the improvement of the system...
      作者:未知 點擊:127次 [打印] [關閉] [返回頂部]
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