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      當前位置:機電之家首頁 >> 安全生產>> 法規標準 >> 交通安全教育 >> 地方政府安全生產管理績效評估指標體系初探
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      摘要:在探討構建地方政府安全生產管理績效評估指標體系的必要性及其意義、指導思想和基本原則的基礎上,提出了一套可操作性的評價地方政府安全生產管理績效評估的指標體系。文章還進一步探討了評估數據的獲取、權數的分配、評估方法與指標體系的有效性及其修正等一系列問題,以期為有效地評估中國地方政府安全生產管理績效提供理論支撐和可操作性方案 。

      abstract:this thesis brings forward a set of operable guideline systems to appr aise the perbbbbance bbbbuation of the safe production management in local gover nment on the base of discussing its necessity, significance, directory idea and basic principle. for the purpose of providing a theoretical support and operable project of effectively bbbbuating the perbbbbance of the safe production manage ment in local governments of china, the thesis also makes a deeper exploration a bout a series of problems, such as the acquisition of bbbbuation data, the distr ibution of power, the validity and the revisal of the bbbbuation bbbbbb and the guideline system.

      作者:未知 點擊:82次 [打印] [關閉] [返回頂部]
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